GRC Tools

Assessments and Surveys

The Assessments and Surveys tool offers a streamlined, automated solution to create, distribute, collect, analyze, and report critical compliance data required by regulatory authorities.

Clients can create custom surveys and questionnaires for multiple purposes and audiences; push out surveys and questionnaires to end users through an integrated, cloud-based platform; and analyze and score results based on client-defined parameters.

Examples for the use of the Assessment and Survey tool, within Financial Services, include:
   - Annual Compliance Questionnaires
   - Anti-Money Laundering Surveys

Please contact us for more information or to request a demonstration.

Key Features

Online Survey Completion

Users are provided with an easy-to-use, online survey form. Convenient navigation shows which sections have been completed, and which are still open. Field validation warns when a question has not been completed. An optional Submit button can be added, locking the survey upon completion. 

Survey Reports

A standard set of survey reports are available for supervisors and compliance personnel to view survey results across the organization, based on their user role and authorization.

Summary – A snapshot view of the current status of all scheduled surveys by type for a specified date range. Report filters are available to limit the dataset based on any number of user-defined custom fields. Summary data includes surveys Not Started, In Progress, Completed and Total.

Details – A detailed view of the current status of all surveys by type for a user-specified date range. Report filters are available to limit the dataset based on any number of defined custom fields.  

Exception Summary – A comprehensive view of survey exceptions, survey scores and survey ratings by user. An easy way for compliance to see the Exceptions, Survey Scores and Survey Ratings for all completed surveys, along with exceptions for a user-specified date range across all survey types and user groups.  

Question Details – A detailed view by question of all survey results that allows supervisors and compliance personnel to drill down into specific areas to identify and analyze potential risks or concerns. 

Learn more about what we do

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